I started down the road out through disatisfaction with the JW life and the actions of elders about 1994 or 1995: that was nothng to do with the internet which I hadn't used then.
When I gathered up enough unhappiness, I wanted to find out about 'that book' written by 'Fred Franz relative'. That was around 1996 or 1997 just as the internet was becoming popular and accessible and useful. I found Crisis in a libary after getting the title etc via the internet (as I recall). After a few pages I knew I couldn't stay a JW. Then I found H2O, and I was really going out of the JWs fast. I remember my heart racing doing all that for the first time!
So, the internet didn't start the slide, but it heped push me along the slope to getting out.
5 for getting out.
10 for being the right tool at the right time for everything JW related since then.